1 - Seleccione una ENC (electronic navigational chart)
Qué modo de display está seteado
actualmente en el sistema?
a) Base
b) Estándar
c) Otro
2 - Cómo están seteados el safety contour y/o el safety depth?
Safety depth es considerada la minima
profundidad requerida en la cual el buque puede navegar con seguridad sin
ninguna profundidad menor que pueda comprometer la seguridad del buque. Para todos
los medios prácticos la profundidad de seguridad o safety depth se determina
como sigue:
Draft (static) - 12.5 mtrs
Speed - 10 kts
Assuming block coefficient : 0.7 (to simplify things)
Squat (for confined waters): Cb x V(Square) / 50
= 0.7 x 10 x 10 / 50 = 1.40 mtrs.
Assuming Height of Tide: 1.4 mtrs
Ukc (required as per individual company policy) : 20 % of static draft (in coastal waters)
= 20 x 12.5 / 100 = 2.5 mtrs.
Safety Depth :
= Draft + Squat + Ukc - Ht. of Tide
= 12.5 + 1.40 + 2.5 - 1.4 = 15.0 mtrs.
Draft (static) - 12.5 mtrs
Speed - 10 kts
Assuming block coefficient : 0.7 (to simplify things)
Squat (for confined waters): Cb x V(Square) / 50
= 0.7 x 10 x 10 / 50 = 1.40 mtrs.
Assuming Height of Tide: 1.4 mtrs
Ukc (required as per individual company policy) : 20 % of static draft (in coastal waters)
= 20 x 12.5 / 100 = 2.5 mtrs.
Safety Depth :
= Draft + Squat + Ukc - Ht. of Tide
= 12.5 + 1.40 + 2.5 - 1.4 = 15.0 mtrs.
3 - Se aplicó la escala mínima (SCAMIN) para los seteos de la ENC
(electronic navigational chart)?
4 - Cómo puede lograr la mejor escala (best scale / compilation scale)
cuando está usando una ENC
5 - Como puede consultar un objeto que se encuentre en la carta
(chartered object)
6 - Qué es el CELL NUMBER de una ENC, que está actualmente en el
Electronic navigational charts (ENCs) are produced in
accordance with international requirements as regards content and structure.
They are delivered in accordance with the "ENC Product Specification"
of the S57 standard, which was prepared with regard to the exchange of
hydrographic data.
The data is part of a seamless database, in which the
data is divided into chart cells with defined limitation and data amounts. The
individual chart cells are identified by a unique cell number. The data is
continuously updated through the distribution of revision files.
7 - Dónde puede encontrar el DATA QUALITY PATTEN / CATZOC / Quality
object setting?
Despite the best efforts of Hydrographic Offices (HOs)
around the world, the ENCs that are on the market today do not always depict
the real world as accurately as would be desired. This situation arises because
gathering detailed hydrographic data is slow and consequently, ENCs (and paper
charts) are compiled from multiple data sources, some modern and comprehensive,
some old (even ancient) and others from all stages in between. When the IHO
developed the S-57 standard this situation was recognised and the quality of
survey data used to compile ENCs had to be encoded within a composite data
quality indicator ‘Category of Zone of Confidence’ (CATZOC).
However, a questionnaire issued by the IHO Data
Quality Working Group (DQWG) and completed by over 600 mariners worldwide
clearly indicated that CATZOC was not well understood, not liked, nor allowed
mariners to adequately make decisions based on data quality. The DQWG has,
therefore, rejected CATZOC for S-101 and is developing a new and improved
method to depict data quality.
8 - Puede cambiar la simbología de la carta
entre la Tradicional (papel) y la simplificada (S-2)?
ECDIS can be set to display aids to navigation with
either traditional “paper chart” or simplifi ed symbols. The two symbol sets
are shown below. Some ECDIS color fi ll the paper chart buoy shapes, but this
is not required by IHO ECDIS portrayal specifi cations.
9 – Seleccione una RNC (raster navigational
chart) / algunas marcas no lo permiten
Qué limitaciones tiene el operador al usar una
RNC en el ECDIS?
10 – Dónde está el menú de seteo del
11 – Es posible deseleccionar el sensor del GPS e ir
In event of GPS failure, the operator can utilise the
DR function in ECDIS and revert to traditional fixing skills in order to
provide accurate positional data. Note that loss of GPS may also mean loss of
positional information on your RADAR. Furthermore, the environment you find
yourself in may preclude or limit visual fixing to such an extent that the
operator may have to use transferred position lines or fix by a line of
12 - Hay una referencia de ENC Chart 1 en el Sistema ECDIS?
(Es para que
vean la simbología, algunos no la tienen)
a) Si es así, dónde
b) Si no, a qué
publicación se puede referir?
13 - Cuál fue la última vez que se aplicó el LOP Fix?
a) Qué otro
tipo de fijación de posiciones se aplican a las cartas?
14 - Dónde y como se puede importar / exportar el plan
de viaje
15 - Dónde y como puede ver la función PLAYBACK
16 - Cambiar los seteos del monitor o display, brillo
y contraste
17 - Cuando se instaló la última actualización de
18 - Cúando
se realizó la última corrección de manual?
19 - Dónde
está el libro de registros del sistema ECDIS?
a) Cuál fue el último
evento mayor registrado?
20 - Cuándo fue la última vez que se testearon el IHO
data presentation and performance check (international hydrographic
a) Qué
novedades se encontraron?
The IHO ENC/ECDIS Presentation and Performance Checks
are intended to make mariners aware of any shortcomings with their ECDIS. When
they have completed the checks, Masters are asked to fill in the accompanying
reporting form and return it to the IHO – either directly online, or by email,
fax or post. There is no need to identify yourself or your ship if you do not
want to. This feedback will enable the IHO to identify how the different brands
of ECDIS display and handle chart data, and will allow national Hydrographic
Offices, ECDIS manufacturers and others to take any corrective action that may
be necessary.
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